I got invitation breaking fast with the orphans and decided to go. The foods whet my appetite but priority given to the orphans. That what you should do if got such invitation. I had a conversation with this 11 year-old kiddo, one of the guests.
Me : Adik, ayah meninggal yer? Sebab apa?
Kiddo : Tak kakak, ayah adik ada lagi. Cuma...ayah kena masuk penjara.
Me : Sebab apa adik?
Kiddo : (tunduk rapat) Ayah masuk penjara sebab jual dadah.
Me : (I was about to cry, but i hold my tears) Oh, raya tahun ni tanpa ayah?
Kiddo : Ye kakak. Mak kerja penoreh getah. Adik takda baju raya lagi. Adik sedih.
Me : .......................... ;(
I hate myself because there's too much I'm complaining about and still not gratify on what i have. But what about that kid? He really wanna baju raya and normal life. The most important thing is his dad. He wants his dad to be around. At the end of the conversation, we made a pinky promise. I told him not to involve in drug and don't be a thug. He said, "I won't do what my dad had done to the family. I love my family, I love my mom." The kid's burden is way too tough for him and at his age, not now. *I pinch his cheeks.